Wiki of Westeros

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Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros

"House Greyjoy"  is part of the "Histories & Lore", a special feature in the Blu-ray of Season 2 of Game of Thrones. It is narrated by Alfie Allen and Gemma Whelan as Prince Theon Greyjoy and Princess Yara Greyjoy, respectively.


Where the North has it's honor and the South it's chivalry, the Iron Islands has its strength. The Ironborn are warriors feared throughout the Seven Kingdoms, or so they used to be.

Unlike their mainland cousins, the First Men of the Iron Islands never bowed to the Old Gods of the Forest. Theirs was the Drowned God, who made the Ironborn to reave and sack and write their names in salt, steel and song. But his enemy the Storm God could not wash away. The Ironborn raised their kings from their own ranks and used beaten foes as thralls to work their mines and farm their land, or as saltwives if a woman was pretty enough. Such was the old way, and as they followed it they held sway wherever the waves were heard.

When Aegon I Targaryen came demanding fealty, King Harren Hoare ruled as far East as the Trident. Other kings like the Starks could kneel, but Harren was Ironborn and the Ironborn must be beaten. In Harrenhal he had the mightiest castle in Westeros and the army to defend it, but Aegon did not intend a siege. He mounted his dragon Balerion and roasted Harren and all of his sons in their tower, and the old way with them.

Due to their defiance, Aegon pushed to Ironborn back to their islands and gave the Riverlands back to House Tully, but he did allow the Ironborn to choose who would lead them. House Greyjoy had always been one of the greatest houses of the Iron Islands. They trace their descent from the Age of Heroes and the legendary Grey King, who took a mermaid to wife and made war upon the Storm God for 1000 years. Blessed by the Drowned God, the Grey King fought and slew Nagga the great Sea Dragon and took her fire for his own.

This history made Vickon Greyjoy the natural choice to lead the Ironborn after Aegon's Conquest. For 300 years House Greyjoy ruled the Ironborn, styling themselves Lord of the Iron Islands, King of Salt and Rock, Son of the Sea Wind, Lord Reaper of Pyke. In truth, they were thralls. Their people still chanted "What is Dead May Never Die", but the old way had died.

After the Targaryens followed their dragons into the grave, Balon Greyjoy rose against the new king Robert Baratheon. Balon seized the ancient crown and sent his fleet against the Lannisters at Lannisport, burning all of their ships before any could lay anchor. Though Robert and Eddard Stark later defeated him, they understood the Ironborn no better than Aegon. The Greyjoy sigil is the kraken, and what it grasps once it will never surrender. What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger.



Noble Houses


